Military Veterans and Beginning Farmer

This series targets beginning and small farmers to teach relevant skills, encouraging peer to peer learning, and offering mentorship with experienced growers. Beginning Military Veteran Farmers are especially encouraged to attend these events.

Free classes, Thursdays at 6 pm at the Agriplex (exceptions listed below).

Registration required. Light dinner provided with pre-registration.

To register please click on the SIGN UP button and follow the steps in RecDesk.

If you need help with the SIGN UP process please call the Agriplex: 256-297-1044.

Direct Marketing your Meat

January 11th

Learn from Alabama Extension what it takes to raise an animal that produces quality meat. Local farmers and processors will share next steps of direct marketing the product to consumers.

The Art and Science of Fruit Pruning

February 8th

This pruning demonstration and
workshop will focus on both tree
fruit and small fruit. Space is limited.

Small Engine Self-Service

March 14th

Learn how to keep those small engines running smoothly through on-farm preventative maintenance.

Moisture Management @ Ground Level

April 11th

Find out how to use drip irrigation and cover crops to maintain soil moisture even in the driest conditions.

How to Be a Grass Farmer

May 9th

Whether you graze livestock on 10 acres or 100 acres, learn management techniques to make the most of your forage.

Growing a Better Farm Business

June 13th

Treat your farm like a business and you will raise more than crops and livestock. Find the profit potential in successful recordkeeping, enterprise budgets, and marketing.

Wildlife vs. Farm Life

July 11th

Wildlife can be unwanted visitors to the farm at times, so learn from Alabama Extension ways to mitigate their presence and reduce their damage.

Pasture Poultry & Pork 101

August 8th

Local farmers will share tips on raising poultry and pigs on pasture. Alabama Extension will discuss on-farm poultry processing and food safety.

High Tunnel Production Field Day

September 19th

Led by Alabama Extension and NRCS, this field day at Bare Bottom Farms will cover funding, crop production, pest management and other high tunnel topics.

Out of the Box Opportunities

October 10th

Alabama Extension Specialist will introduce niche production systems that are viable in Alabama like Christmas trees and hydroponics.

Image credit: Some of these icons have been designed using resources from