
Hydroponics can seem overwhelming at first. It really isn’t that difficult. The main cost is the first year, in doing the build. Next year it’s just Nutrients and Seed. The same cost you have with traditional gardening. Below are Links to some of the products you will need in building a Hydroponic System.  Please email any questions you might have, and if it can not be answered by email efficiently, I’ll call you.


You can buy a lot of the fittings cheaper at this site, but usually by the time you pay shipping, it’s cheaper than Lowes. It is an option if Lowes is out of stock.










All your various PVC fittings can be found at Lowes.


Your plant fertilizer, or nutrients can be ordered on Amazon or the Manufacturer. I usually check both because you can not tell, who will be the cheapest. It varies for some reason. I have and do use the General Hydroponics 3 part liquid but cost 10 times what the powder cost. You have to mix the powder really hard, but it’s a lot cheaper, and just as good as a nutrient source.










I use this for Algae control:




4″ J-Hooks are the best, easiest way to mount your pipes and keep them level:




You can’t do Hydronics without Net Cups and Rock Wool. Amazon is the only place I buy these. There are hundreds of different offerings from 12 packs, to the 100’s. I use the three inch Net Cup with the 1.5 RockWool. 






95% of my Pest and Disease Control is Captain Jacks’ and 100% cold pressed Neem Oil:



